Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hot Coffee, Banana Muffin, and Tedium

I got all the modifications for Space Opera Variations done for the Atmospheres.

Now working on how this affects the Hydrographics of each world, taking into account that small worlds have less gravity, Thinner atmospheres retain less water, and Temperature, especially hotter temperatures, causes evaporation from the surface.

Lots of calculations, but I am getting through it. I think this is the actual strength of a world builder, endurance, research, and making sure all of this is plausible.

Going through the list of Worlds, I discovered some minor mistakes I had made. Small asteroids that mistakenly had a trace atmosphere.

Moderately sized worlds, for example, like Mars, that mistakenly had a dense atmosphere.

So just looking at hundreds of numbers, step by step. Very difficult to focus like this for some people.

Each string of digits, I imagine the world that represents, and think, "This is wonderful. All these worlds."  

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