Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Continuing Development, Step-by-step D'Zuli's World is a Flagstone.

I arranged data for all the worlds of the Aurin Cluster into their Subsector data.   From there, arranging the Jump routes continues.

I had my morning instant coffee, and a banana for breakfast, with a small bag of peanuts. It makes me wonder, what kind of food would an alien writer on another world have for breakfast?

  1. It all starts in Subsector D, to Coreward and Trailing of the Aurin Cluster, at the edge of the Orion Republic, (the large off-screen, off-map polity).

We are now looking at the beginning of the active settlement of the Ree Expanse Subsector.  A stellar gap is here, somewhere, difficult to cross without very advanced Drive technology.

This World, D'Zuli's World, becomes the entrance to the Aurin Cluster from the "Dorai Crossing" Sector, on an average Agroworld Starport, administered by House Tubatiir, where Body pistols are permitted, as is travel on the world, but Starship landings are only permitted at the Gole Starport, or Hendu Spaceport. 

High Tech level items are prohibited, but items up to Basic Interstellar are allowed (and desired).

Notable features of the world include:
The Shattered Plains, to the east of the Downport
The Trading market at the abandoned Bani Industrial Complex at the crumbling (but still usable) Hendu Spaceport
The Downport at the Crystalline City of Gole
The Aetherium Mines
The Wreckage of the Starship Adrego
The Airship Port at Darenga Station, for local on-world travel. There are not a lot of people here, most of the world is wilderness / unsettled.

I begin to imagine these named places in my mind.

"D'Zuli's World" is a Trading Hub. Not large, but well connected.

It will seek potential interstellar Trade connections with:
Agricultural, Garden, Hi Tech, High Population, Industrial, Rich, and Water Worlds.

So, in summary, a decent jumping-off point for further exploration, as civilization moves Spinward, and Rimward.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Ree Expanse - 1st Draft Map, finally

I have finally finished recalculating populations, Tech Levels, Trade codes, and Bases for the Ree Expanse.

Port Classes are nearly directly based on Population.

The worlds are now very different. I took a long stroll through the names to make them evocative. No real method, just some sounded "like what they should be, or I imagined them to be in print."

Many hours later, the Trade routes of the Ree Expanse are complete. A fun time, but painstaking. Almost all are connected, and interlinked.

This is the final first draft map:

Ree Expanse - Draft Map, 19 June 2019

Ree Space starts at 3006, "A'Rie".
Coreward of that is Republic Space.
I plan to do more detail in a few days, adding a lot of depth to the Subsector.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Subsectors, and the Initial Setup

I've broken out all the data produced into individual subsectors, and now arranging the pathways and trade routes to establish the initial colonies and alien homeworlds in the Aurin Cluster, from the days of the initial exploration of the Republic.

Homeworlds that do not have advanced technology will be along the routes of expansion, but not directly hubs of transit and trade.

I am trying as hard as I can to make this an organic approach to establishing the setting, so that over time, the colonies that develop in the setting's backstory as the Republic expands, make sense as to place, and time.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Hot Coffee, Banana Muffin, and Tedium

I got all the modifications for Space Opera Variations done for the Atmospheres.

Now working on how this affects the Hydrographics of each world, taking into account that small worlds have less gravity, Thinner atmospheres retain less water, and Temperature, especially hotter temperatures, causes evaporation from the surface.

Lots of calculations, but I am getting through it. I think this is the actual strength of a world builder, endurance, research, and making sure all of this is plausible.

Going through the list of Worlds, I discovered some minor mistakes I had made. Small asteroids that mistakenly had a trace atmosphere.

Moderately sized worlds, for example, like Mars, that mistakenly had a dense atmosphere.

So just looking at hundreds of numbers, step by step. Very difficult to focus like this for some people.

Each string of digits, I imagine the world that represents, and think, "This is wonderful. All these worlds."  