Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Long Road to Merchant of Vision

After years of hard work, Kars Vandor: Merchant of Vision is finally approaching launch! But this journey hasn’t been a straight line. There have been periods where I was fully immersed, making steady progress, and then times where months (and even years) would pass without writing a single word. Life has a way of shifting priorities, and sometimes the creative well runs dry. I’ve balanced working on other projects, family responsibilities, and even long stretches where I needed to step back and recharge.

At times, it felt like Merchant of Vision would never see the light of day. I’d lose momentum, only to rediscover my passion for the story months later. It was those moments, when the characters and worlds would call me back, that kept me going. As frustrating as the delays were, each break allowed me to come back with fresh ideas and new perspectives, making the story stronger.

Now, as the launch date approaches, I can’t help but reflect on the journey it took to get here. I’m incredibly excited to finally share this story, and I’m grateful to everyone who’s supported me along the way. Whether you’ve been following my progress from the beginning or just joined the adventure, thank you for your patience. The wait is almost over, and I can’t wait for you to dive into the world of Merchant of Vision.

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